Is it possible to improve the quality and functionality of the soil and its biodiversity?

Is it possible to accelerate natural regeneration and ensure higher productivity?

Is it possible to manage exotic and invasive species in a way that promotes the vitality of the native forest?

Is it possible to combat desertification while ensuring biophysical and social resilience in a semi-arid context?

We believe so!

The CCDesert Alcoutim & Mértola is an experimental process promoted in partnership by the Municipality of Alcoutim, the Municipality of Mértola, the Terra Sintrópica Association, and the Forest Owners Association of Cumeadas do Baixo Guadiana.

The project is carried out under Notice 2021-REACT-13, the Compete 2020 Programme, and aims to create the experimental park for the Competence Centre for the Fight Against Desertification (CCDesert) Alcoutim & Mértola. It was approved under the Recovery Assistance for Cohesion and the Territories of Europe Programme and is fully funded by EU funds – FEDER.

Pilot 3
Pilot 4
Pilot 5

The proposal from the Terra Sintrópica Association aims at the testing, monitoring, and knowledge transfer of the use of successional agroforestry systems as a model for ecological regeneration, facilitating the mosaic and productivity of systems. The three proposed pilot areas cover a total approximate area of 4 hectares and are located between the Mértola Forest Perimeter and the Mértola Centre for Agroecology. 

Come and explore, question, and delve deeper into the proposals being tested, every Wednesday, on a guided tour. 

Follow the project's newsletter via this link.

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