Guided Tours

The interaction between nature, agroecology, and food is at the core of Terra Sintrópica. Together we can create a path of abundance - from production to consumption - taking the forest as the matrix of regeneration.

Every Wednesday we offer a guided tour, in a conversation that will take us from CARES - Center for Agroecology and Regeneration for the Semi-Arid to a shared meal at PREC - Regenerative Process in Progress!

An opportunity to learn more about the territorial challenges and the testing of solutions, which make Mértola a laboratory for agroecological transition.

More than a project, we are looking for a process. A community process with care as its fundamental value. Caring for the soil, the people, and the future, assuming the sustainability of the agrifood system as the matrix for the biophysical and socioeconomic regeneration of the territory.

CARES visiting hours: 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Lunch hours at PREC: 1:00 pm onwards


  • Monetary Option

Guided tour of CARES with lunch at PREC:

Individual up to 10 people - 20€ per person

More than 10 people - 15€ per person

Local community (Mértola and Alcoutim) and students - 15€ per person

  • Volunteer Option

We want to make the possibility of a visit inclusive and supportive. We accept voluntary participation in the work of Terra Sintrópica's projects as a contribution. For more information, check this option in the "contribution" box and we'll be in touch.

Come visit us! Make your registration using the form below.

* For a better viewing experience we suggest using Google Chrome.

** To view the English or other language version, you should follow these steps:
1. Click on the link for the form.
2. Right Click anywhere on the form and several options will appear.
3. Click on "Translate" or "Translate to." Another box will appear in the upper right corner.
4. If the language you want to translate to does not appear, click on the three vertical dots and select "Choose another language."
5. Click on the drop-down menu, choose the desired language, and click the "translate" button.
6. Proceed with completing the form.

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