Guided Tours

The interaction between nature, agroecology, and food is at the core of Terra Sintrópica. Together we can create a path of abundance - from production to consumption - taking the forest as the matrix of regeneration.

The guided tour is a conversation that will take us from CARES - Center for Agroecology and Regeneration for the Semiarid to a shared meal at PREC - Regenerative Process in Progress.

An opportunity to learn more about the territorial challenges and the testing of solutions, which make Mértola a laboratory for agroecological transition.

More than a project, we are looking for a process. A community process with care as its fundamental value. Caring for the soil, the people, and the future, assuming the sustainability of the agrifood system as the matrix for the biophysical and socioeconomic regeneration of the territory.

Visit times at CARES: 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Lunch times at PREC: from 1:00 p.m. onwards

Contribution | Guided visit to CARES + regenerative lunch at PREC:
35€ per adult, up to 5 people
25€ group of 6 to 30 people
above 30 people, send email, to assess conditions and availability

Free for children up to the age of 12 when accompanied by their parents


NOTICE: During the summer period (July, August and September) we will take a break and resume guided tours in the fall.

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